On Double Wars I decide that I need a new Coat after the Pattern of a Viking Kaftan .Some of the Ladies are wearing it there ,but I dont know if it gives Graves Founds for it anywhere .
Sometime ago ,I found this Picture of this Pattern.I cut it, but without the Back Gore.

I have so much Fabrics at Home ,so that I decide to take a violet Wool Blend .
I sew it with the Machine and the Seams I made with Hand.I buy some Logwood Dyed Wool on the Viking Market in Jork .After the Sewing of the Seams I will make some "Embroidery" on the Coat.It will not be the real Embroidery ,while I will use a Handsewing Stich and not an Embroidery Stich.
Also I finished the first of my Finnish Undergown.It was more a Test ,thats the Reason while I use a Cotton Blend in dark lilac.I love it a lot ,while I love the Pattern and its light to wear at this Temperatures.